Over the years, bowling has ranked among the nation’s top participatory sport, even climbing to number 1 in 2011, and/or 2021, depending on which article you read. Why? Well, there aremore than 67 million people in the U.S. who bowl during the year! That’s almost a quarter of the population that will share a celebratory dance move or a defeated shrug after taking their chance at rolling a ball down a lane in hopes of knocking down all the pins. Regardless of the outcome of the roll, it’s the walk back to your seat where you’ll find the real magic of bowling…Friends and family eagerly await to acknowledge your effort by offering up high-fives, some bowling pointers, words of encouragement, and if you’re lucky – a sip of their beer or a bite of their fries. This is inclusivity. This is both independent determination and group collaboration. This is community.